Tuesday, December 16, 2008

club penguin on nintendo ds

can u believe it club penguin on ds and elite mode wow when i went to clubpenguin .com i thought it was the same old things but i didn't expect CLUB PENGUIN to be on ds i m so going to buy a black ds and that game so i can bring to the fishing trip i m going to tis sunday but i don't think i can bring as it is my uncle's "kelong" that's wad they call it although most people do not know that i can hav my own ds like Leroy , i wonder if he likes club penguin???
sry about that i was daydreaming
i need to gtg write to blogs next time ( @ _ @ )hahahhahehe
bb......................... bb .........bb

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

tony blog is not bad

yo tony i saw yr blog it is not that bad,
dun;t forget that i hate cars unless they ar stylish
i also did the same it was fun, lol, forgot to tell u , tony u suck.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

halo final fight

u noe smt[sometimes i jus t hate school it is very irritating although my parents say it is fun and educational i hope that all readers will be more understanding as i am having a hard time at school though,i m pri.6 it is stil fun smt ...............!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

[c]ool hangmen

yo i had this friend and 1 day he ditched me and said that he would rather do things by himself [wad should i do?]

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Please view my links

There is some links which my friend loleroy help put up please view them :)

Saturday, July 26, 2008


i dunno u all can u intro. me too other friends i hav been a lonely blogger

hi i m new

hi i am a cool new blogger,i just stated too blog after my friend introduced to me [leroy] he was!! my best friend i like playing computer games like [www.dragonfable.com] etc.

i also like playi ng xbox 360 there is 1 game that totally roks it is [dmc4]DEVIL MAY CRY 4!!

I JUST STARTED PLAYING THAT GAME when my friend asked me to come his house and play

hope u will stay tune for my awesome fidhing trip i am going to talk about next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hee hee haha
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