Friday, June 26, 2009

haiz noting to do laze around at home watching OKTO or play MAPLESEA

haiz so boring my cousin last few days come and stay at my grandma house then when wan to play smt come my house play the same xbox disk every single day [ which is either mario tennis or mario party 3,2,1 ] which is so boring i tried asking her to play,CONKER LIVE AND RELOADED, she said it was fun although she kept dieing -.- so bored at home.

Besides her, i jus play my computer game or doing other WISH CAN GO LEROY HOUUSE SO CAN GOOF AROUND at home everything so strict nothing to do LOL.
1 more thing leroy lol u never bring me to the BBQ cannot find u!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Saturday, June 6, 2009

hihi this is leroy
anyway posting for edwin since he is away fishing . visit my youtube channel at
nth else to post liao

Thursday, June 4, 2009

i'm going fishing today!!!!

yay!!!![school holidays]are in and school is out but sometimes i feel very bored sitting at home watching television and playing my[laggy]computer but sometimes it is very useful too!!!

i'm a last-minute packer and then i forget other stuff easily and i don't know if i should bring my handphone or ipod!!?

i need to go already so bb and have a nice day!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

thx for yr help leroy tis is for you

Leroy thx for your help as u helped me learn to make a banner does it look nice ,in actual fact i wanted to make th e halo family and maple family but i had not enough time to make it if i wanted i could but i will take me a long time so anyway thx for yr help

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

exams are over!!!!!(^^)[Good Luck]

[after all that we have studied we hope to hav a lot of marks our paper,but in the end we will see sad faces on our friends and family although they hav helped us and pushed us too our limit]

This is what i heard from 1 of my friend's[just kidding it's just ME^^] since i graduated from seng kang pri. school to North Vista secondary sch. i pondered over it but in the end people who believe in luck[ME!!!!]and belive that they hav bad luck[dun even think its me!!]will fail but those that hav and believe in good luck will pass or[FAIL]eventually the marks will prevail and what will happen?[dun bother asking me u know quite well wad will happen!]

For me Tmr is my last exam[Listening comprehension only for chinese]there is no english listening comprehension for secondary school the rest of the exams hav been done in the previous few days .

So Good Luck and hav fun


  1. Loleroy
  2. Timurcan
  3. Wui Hean
  4. Nasrul
  5. Kaeselitz Ted
  6. Ryan Lim
  7. Wei tao

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

new friends

now i m at the age of 13 this year i like technical stuff espiacially computers ds and psp ^^

I hav to go for now as i need to go for home econ's
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