Friday, June 26, 2009

haiz noting to do laze around at home watching OKTO or play MAPLESEA

haiz so boring my cousin last few days come and stay at my grandma house then when wan to play smt come my house play the same xbox disk every single day [ which is either mario tennis or mario party 3,2,1 ] which is so boring i tried asking her to play,CONKER LIVE AND RELOADED, she said it was fun although she kept dieing -.- so bored at home.

Besides her, i jus play my computer game or doing other WISH CAN GO LEROY HOUUSE SO CAN GOOF AROUND at home everything so strict nothing to do LOL.
1 more thing leroy lol u never bring me to the BBQ cannot find u!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Loleroy said...

-.- i wanna bring u actually derhs btw i can go ur house when?

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